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2023 月津港燈節|城裡的月光

2023 Yuejin Lantern Festival |Moonlight in Town



The moon is subject to changes, from full to crescent, cloudy to clear. Yet, the moonlight we experience in town never changes, delivering the same mild illumination to us all. Famous for its crescent water area, Yuejin Harbor is also called “Moon Harbor.” If we look back at the history of Yanshuei and Yuejin Harbor, we will find a kind of lunar legend —Yuejin Harbor was like a moon that shined on Yanshuei, bringing in splendid prosperity. Changes to the land were like the wax and wane of the moon, writing the town’s story as if like the tide, rising and falling.





No matter how the pandemic changed our lives, what remains a constant is the warm moonlight that falls upon us at nighttime. The 2023 Yuejin Lantern Festival’s theme is “moonlight in town.” With three different lunar phases, it makes people pay attention to urban spaces and the natural environment by creating a distinctive atmosphere. Further, following the artist’s unique perspective, people can experience the unexpected changes of life, whilst also feeling again, the precious warmth and connectedness available when we all come together to enjoy this festival.

Eclipsing Romance: the moon is like a theatre of illusion, with astonishing

dancers and graceful performers. As with the melody that flows between fantasy and reality, the heart of the moon and the people will be eclipsed by romance.

Surreal Blue Moon: the moon can deliver infinite possibilities, making tiny

creatures seem enormous with the shadows they create from its illumination, just as the moon or fireworks, from faraway can suddenly seem close at hand. Basking in the moonlight of Yuejin Harbor, one should be prepared for any surprise or astonishment to suddenly be brought to life.

Crescent Moon with Hope Energy: the crescent moon is often a symbol of purity, strength, and life. In the post-pandemic era, through artistic works, we hope to instill hope for the future in everyone's heart. The aspiration is that everyone carries a moon within their hearts. After the endless darkness, a new radiance and strength emerge from within.


exhibition info:



展期: 2023/ 01 /14 - 02 / 12
時間: 17:30 PM ~ 23:00 PM
開幕: 2020 / 01 /15  18:00 PM
地點: 臺南市鹽水區月津港
交通資訊: 新營火車站下車 轉 棕幹線巴士到鹽水站

Exhibition information

Duration:  2023/ 01 /14 - 02 / 12
Lighting Time: 17:30 PM ~ 23:00 PM
Opening Event:2020 / 01 /15  18:00 PM
Location:Yuejin Yanshui Tainan
From the Xiaying Train Station transfer the Brown Line Bus to Yanshui Stop

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整體視覺統籌|Path & Landforms





Lunar Phase A: Eclipsing Romance



This work started with the lunar eclipse. The lunar eclipse results from a shadow created when the earth blocks the sunlight headed towards the moon. As the sunlight moves, the eclipse changes. During the process, is the lunar eclipse real or virtual? Could it be a something unique, a place existing between reality and the virtual?

The work uses a gradually changing surface with piles of small reflectors to create a transformation between the real and the virtual. The reflective piles sway with the air flow, interacting with the ripples on the water. This work is connected with the standing artwork “Mirror Moon-Moon Realm.” In between the surfaces of water and the bridge, the viewers can move back and forth within the changing lunar eclipse.


作品運⽤漸變式的⾯與細瑣的反射片堆疊,讓堆疊的反射片在隨風飄盪中,與粼粼水光波動相互呼應,經由空氣的流動,產⽣虛實之間的轉換。 作品與曲橋上常設藝術作品〈鏡月-月境 Mirror Moon-Moon Realm〉相連,從水面到橋面,觀者穿梭月蝕變換之間。


⽉意 Moon’s Intention|有用主張 UxU Studio

They say, “seeing is believing”. This work is an installation of a pair of eyes. The audience will see the different forms from different perspectives, as if the full moon, crescent moon and the lunar eclipse appear within the eyes. On the center of the installation, there is an inward swirling on the side of the eye, and an outward artesian water feature at the back. The viewers can make eye contact with an obscure fantasy in the fog that is obscured by light. The Chinese words “月意”can form together and become “臆,” which means “the subjective imagination.” What if the uncertainty of life and an eternity of happiness, were actually just the imaginings of people? Still, we need our imaginations, to turn the uneven surface of the moon into something special, and to appreciate a dim moon with diffuse reflections so that we can celebrate the Moon Festival. Even though Neil Armstrong has been to the moon, the world still needs Le Petit Prince…

眼⾒為真?作品為⼀雙眼睛造型裝置,觀眾由不同視⾓,將看⾒不同形態,彷彿雙眼中同時存在滿⽉、弦⽉、與蝕⽉;裝置中央的眼球一面像漩渦般向內流動,反⾯則像湧泉般向外放射。 水霧中朦朧奇幻的眼神,在光的暈染下與觀者四目交流。 



無盡光在 Light Exists|禹禹藝術工作室 YUYU ART STUDIO

At Yanshuei Harbor which is famous for the moon, the collective memories and relationships of a host of generations share this space along with the moon and the winding river. Light and shadow travel together, carving out the tangled curves of an accumulation of time and histories burred deep inside people’s minds. The body can expand awareness with use of the five senses, scanning back and forth, seeking and flowing along with traces formed by the aftermath of light—this is the secret held between you and I, and the moon. 

From within the great expanse of time, we seek a balance between our existence and the ever-changing nature of life. Diffuse and substantial ideas continue traveling with us, and accompany us with the infinite light of the moon.




陽台城市⽂明-光島之城 The Balcony Urban Civilization—City of the Light Island |林書楷 LIN,SHU-KAI

What would it be like if we could see the cities of the earth from the moon? Tainan, where Lin Shu-Kai grew up, is an ancient city full of temples, winding alleys and religious totems. By combining them with his personal experience and realization of life, he has absorbed these visual and spatial experience and dug out signs that were buried within his subconscious. Through his observations and travels, he has gradually built up these fantasy buildings; he also has tried to use the wooden molds that were left in his father’s factory to construct many imaginary cities of the future. Like the ever-changing moon, from our perspective, cities are also ever-changing.

從月亮的高度來看地球上的城市,會是什麼景象呢?林書楷成長的台南,是座充滿廟宇、彎曲巷弄及宗教圖騰的古都,他將這些視覺和空間經驗加以內化,由個⼈ ⽣命經驗和體悟,經過多重拆解、重組,發掘出潛意識的符號。透過城市觀察與旅⾏逐步堆砌成幻想建築,也嘗試透過⽗親⼯廠所遺留下來的⽊質模具,建構出⼀座座想像中的未來城市。對於我們眼中多變的月亮而言,城市,也是變幻無窮。


⽔⽉銀灣 The Moon and the Milky Way |林書瑜 LIN,SHU-YU

Various stars sit on the surface of the water, transforming it into a part of the Milky Way. Flickers of light shine on the water and also on the audience, as if the light of the bright moon and the starry sky were shining together. Flickering stars shimmer like small breaths of light, creatively distributed across the night sky. The cool embrace of an evening breeze brings whispers of the Milky Way to the audience, just like that glittering painting of stars and moon in the water.



點點星‧⽉光光 Twinkle Starlight and Moonlight|沃手工作 Winnowork
音樂製作:林弘韜 Music Production LIN,HUNG-TAO

Walking among the stars, we sing songs for the moon. The circle installation swaying on the water symbolizes the stars and the coastal light zone  that are changing with the

chords and colorful lighting. The audience can scan the QR Code to enter the exclusive interface, to listen to familiar songs and melodies about the moon, which mix together with the chords in the environment to form a complete song. Captured by music full of good memories, everyone becomes part of the stars due to the flickers on their phone screens.



讓結構說話 Let the Structure Do the Talking | 李吉祥 LI,CHI-HSIANG

The concept for this work started from observations of abandoned street signs. When the original images of the signs faded due to age, the remaining frames of the light boxes still held a special structural beauty. The artists collected these frames and used them as a material, unifying the structures with a white tone and placing them on the water beside the bridge. Thus the signs have been re-vamped so they no longer exist for advertising, rather as elements of a street, paving out a white light on the river of Yuejin Harbor.



月相 B:超現實藍月
Lunar Phase B: Surreal Blue Moon


夜市蜃樓 Mirage at Night |國立臺南藝術大學建築藝術研究所 B群 Group B TNNUA, Graduate Institute of Architecture

In the daytime, this structure with its columns is like a city emerging from the water, a kind of solid illusion. The story of what happens in this city becomes like a narrative landscape or a mass fantasy. At night, the fireworks, which had been high in the sky, burst out over the water. This carnival in the city is a celebration in the moonlight. It is uncertain whether the shadows of the figures shown in the firework are imaginary or real.



⽉之召喚 Lunar Summoning | 雙建號 Two Workers

The hinterland of Yuejin Harbor is wide and the water and the earth are illuminated by the sun and the moon, which has accumulated abundant energy.The animals living here also receive this power. Among them, the wolves and dogs feel it the most. When the moon is full, the wolves and dogs are summoned by this glowing energy. Over time, will they turn into werewolves?! Don’t underestimate the power of nature of of the moonlight.



綁架⽉亮 Kidnap The Moon | 王瑞亨 WANG,JUI-HENG

By the mysterious glow of the moon in the dark, the corners of cities can be illuminated. The movements of the tide, the transformation of a man into a werewolf, or a girl into a great warrior, all occur thanks to the moon. There is even the old superstition that your ear will be cut off if you point it at the moon. How about we kidnap the moon while it is not paying attention? Using a reel device and a magic rope, we can have it stay with us on the ground, so that we can observe it closely, accompany it and bathe in its magical light. We can ask the moon: why on earth can it have such magical powers, making people become different upon seeing it? Is it the power of change? Does it hold a mystery that people are seeking? Or does it simply want to whisper in our ears?



海之城 Town in the Sea / 凡京設計 Vangin Design

A day after the full moon,  and only once a year, the corals all spawn on the same night, following an ancient and mysterious convention. On this night, the underwater sky is so bright that human beings become like tropical fish. From sunset to the rise of the moon, they travel among the great, city-like structures of coral reef and witness this grand celebration of life. When the moon rises again, the world is quiet, and under the moonlight, life quietly begins to take shape.



月光下的蜘蛛 Giant Spiuder | Groupe LAPS

On this particular night of the blue moon, the bright, vibrant and energetic giant spiders have appeared, occupying the entire bridge. The moon must have given them life and energy. 

This giant spider light sculpture is composed of more than 60 small tube spiders. Through the circulation of lights, on-and-off, you can capture the various wonderful daily activities of the spider family, such as moving, encountering and chasing. No matter whether developing the single or the multiple components of spiders, the artists all had a great time and used their passion to create a landscape artwork of sound and light installations.




她說/Navis She said/Naivs | 404 N.F

The light and the fog had interwoven. She stood by the riverside, gently reminiscing about the past. The elegance of her figure became gradually clearer. The light and the shadow sketched out the shape of the boat through the keels. Her body was mirrored inside and out. The fog was like her soul, slow moving but unattainable, quiet and light but not weak at all. In the fog, the creak of muscle and bone became very loud. As the gentle light flew by, the body was gradually outlined. Her essense and her manner were all entrusted to the water.



Lunar Phase C: Crescent Moon with Hope Energy


萬兔⽔號 No. 123 |林建志 LIN,CHIEN-CHIH

In the winding river of Yuejin Harbor, there is a guardian hidden inside whom the people called “No. 123.” It is a rabbit-type robot, and it has been said that it is a messenger sent from the moon hundreds of years ago. Whenever the surrounding environment is threatened, it will emerge from the bottom of the water when the moon rises, and protect Yuejin Harbor and maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Yet, it is impossible for it to protect the world’s environment on its own, so it is hoped that everyone can come to Yanshuei to join us.



空間樂團#1 - 新⽉ Space Band#1 – Crescent Moon|大聲光電 Loudly Lightning

Due to the relative position changing of the sun, the moon and the earth, everyone on the earth sees the totally different lunar phases. The night that the moon completely disappeared is called "New Moon." After that, the one of the first crescent moonlight is called “Crescent Moon.” This work distributes the viewers, the light sources and the objects in the river field. Through the control of the light sources, this work re-interpret the position and phenomenon relationship between the three celestial objects. And with the three musicians: circle, tree and light noise, they can create a cosmic theater with dialogues of sound and light.

太陽、⽉亮、地球相對位置改變,地球人所⾒之⽉相皆不同。⽉亮完全消失當晚稱為「朔」,朔之後第一次看到如彎鉤的月光即為「新⽉」,開啟又一輪嶄新的運轉。 此作品將觀者、光源、觀看對象分佈於河道場域中,透過光源的明滅及照射,試圖重新演繹三個天體彼此間的位置及現象關係;並藉由三個樂手:圓、樹、光噪,營造出一個聲與光對話的宇宙劇場。


夜裏有光 Lights In Night| 莊志維 CHUANG,CHIH-WEI

The moon reflects the sunlight and becomes the true moonlight in people’s minds. This work uses techniques, such as reflection and refraction, to present the shape of light in nature through an indirect way as the moonlight does in a particularly dark field around the river. Beams of light in the dark reflect from the mirrors and refract from the water’s surface to other directions. The light emits a bright long tail from the darkness, forming another virtual space with a visible but untouchable form, such as breath, clouds, or a stream.

月亮反射了太陽,成為人們心中真實的月光。此作品以反射、折射等⼿法, 在河道周圍特別漆⿊的場域中,透過如同月光般間接的⽅式,呈現光存在於⾃然界中的姿態。一束束光線在幽暗中,透過鏡面反射與水面折射指向四方;光線從⿊暗中漫延出發亮的長尾,以⼀種可⾒卻⼜無法觸及的樣態,如氣息、雲霧、流⽔,漸漸溢出成為另⼀個虛空間。


片刻 Moment | 詹維欣 CHAN,WEI-HSIN

When a fortune teller holds their breath and turns over the cards, the cards seem to be endowed with supernatural power, sensing the arrangement and choice connected with the divined one’s life. In this work, hundreds of snow-white sheet panels are arranged into a matrix. They swing freely in the wind under the indirect light and the machine, as if each piece radiates its own frequency, looking for someone corresponding to its magnetic field. Or they are pairing the frequency with the moon, capturing the different mysterious energies from New Moon, Crescent Moon, and Full Moon.



Tzolk’in Light  | 黑川互動媒體藝術 PEPPERCORNS

Time is like a form of art. Time is not meant to regulate us, but is a holistic and natural set of energies and rules. Tzolk’in is the basic cycle of Mayan calendar. The work re-interprets the rules of time and the energy of natural operation through the Mayan calendar. The work presents a stereoscopic vision and sound in space to express the energy of stored life, and presents the transition in the four levels: construction, frequency modulation, synchronization and regression. Through the performances of points, lines and planes in the three-dimensional space, it applies the concept of the Mayan calendar to symbolize the opening of the Milky Way. Just like the moon, a new light is ready to shine through infinite darkness.

時間是一種藝術形式。時間並非是⽤來規範我們的,⽽是⼀系列完整且⾃然運作的能量與規則。 Tzolk’in 是馬雅曆法的基本週期,作品透過⾺雅⽉曆,重新詮釋時間的法則與⾃然運作的能量,作品在空間呈現立體視覺與聲響,表現蓄積⽣命的能量,以建構、調頻、同步、回歸四個層次來呈現起承轉合,並以馬雅⽉曆圖形標概念,透過點、線、面在三維空間的展現,喻表銀河之⾨開啟,宛如⽉亮⼀般,無盡的⿊之後,新的光亮正蓄勢待發。