打攪-Parer Studio(5).jpg

2020 城市躲貓貓

2020 City Hide and Seek


城市躲貓貓 | City Hide and Seek






Can you still recall your childhood curiosity and courage to explore the world, games of hide-and-seek, looking for ants’ colonies, or chasing squirrels through the trees?

Imagining is not just daydreaming, and observation plus imagination can inspire creativity. In this era, we often acquire knowledge  through screens, and discovery and observation in daily life become more important.   Through this power of exploration, we can now begin a brand new year.

The “City Hide-and-Seek” Exhibition extends from December to January next year,   and is incorporated  into Hsinchu City Zoo’s commencement event, “Reborn.”  With  time extension and scale expansion, the Exhibition will be held in Hsinchu Park  as a warm up to the Taiwan Lantern Festival. Ten domestic and international artists  have been invited to create under the theme of “Urban Hide-and-Seek”, with the aim to expand   public perceptions towards “animals” and “lantern festivals.” Artworks are created for the different atmospheres of  day and  night.

We invite you to play  “hide-and-seek” with art!  They are here for you to discover!

Come to Hsinchu to explore this amazing city!


exhibition info:


展期: 2019 / 12 / 21 – 2020 / 02 / 16
開幕: 2019 / 12 / 21  6:30 PM
地點: 新竹公園 & 新竹市政府前廣場
Venue:Hsinchu Park & Hsinchu City Hall Frontal Plaza

策展燈區規劃執行|都市藝術工作室 UrbanART Studio










打攪 Intrude|帕爾工作室 Parer Studio


In the artist’s home country of Australia, rabbits are intruders, an out of control pest that pose a great threat to the survival of the native flora and fauna there. But, also in Australia, as everywhere else, the rabbit is a significant character in childhood stories and traditions, they are fluffy and gentle. The Intrude bunnies represent Man’s mismanagement of the natural world. The artist intentionally uses the rabbit’s cute and funny image of the rabbit to draw viewers into the more serious environment themes within the artwork.


光譜原色時代 The Era of Primary Colors on a Spectrum|沃手工作 Winnowork


Geometric crystals like crystal fairies are sparkling everywhere at the Park to add a mysterious atmosphere. Light is a metaphor for truth, and the beautiful colors reflected from the beveled mirrors symbolizes the truth known by our hearts. Even if the hidden truth is behind a dark cloud, on a sunny day, the rainbow’s light is clearly seen. Similarly, in this chaotic era, we can also find beauty in simplicity.



Visitors to Hsinchu Park will be able to enjoy art installations, take photos, and bring home unforgettable memories. In childhood memories, there were always sweet doughnuts. The piece “Urban Doughnut” brings fun to everyone. Colorful golf ball light bulbs on the top of the doughnut are like colorful sugar balls. There are also cheese stars sparkling various colors and a little mouse is hidden inside the cheese who secretly comes to the party!

城市填填圈 Urban Doughnut|有用主張 Material



With the theme of animals, the artist presents pureness and love. These vivid animal sculptures are very familiar to visitors, and a harmonious ecological space is portrayed to create a happy atmosphere. Each of us is invited to this urban jungle to enjoy the moment. It is also a time for us to think of the intimate relationship between humans and nature.

動物世界 Animal World|任大賢 Ren Da-sian


「猜猜我是誰?」巴西新媒體藝術家VJ Suave以移動式投影、充滿童趣的圖案, 吸引大小朋友的目光。這件作品製作時,是以事先舉行工作坊的方式,邀請清華大學附設小學一起參與,畫出屬於動物園的回憶,同心協力、一起完成這件專屬新竹的作品,除了圖案之外,也錄製了孩童模仿動物的叫聲,此起彼落的「獅吼、鳥鳴聲」為作品增加樂趣。

“Who’s Who?” VJ Suave, a new media artist from Brazil, uses playful patterns to attract visitors of all ages. During its creation, the artist invited students from the Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of National Tsing Hua University to the workshop where they jointly painted their memories about animals. Through this joint effort, these unique art pieces of Hsinchu were completed. In addition to patterns, by mimicking the cries of animals such as lions and birds, children brought more fun and life to this artwork.

動物的旅行 Animal Trave|VJ Suave



The round and chubby hippos are playing in the water and look so happy, like human kids. Would you like to join them? The artist uses his star animal, Hippo Lele, as the prototype to create four chubby, cute hippos with their unique features. You are invited to find where Lele is. Does Lele the hippo have a wild open mouth or is she just sitting and thinking? Where is Lele?

河馬樂樂家族 Hippo Lele’s Family|陳奕彰 Chen Yi Chang



Shh! Keep your voice down! At night, animals come out!” On a clear night after rain, there is a rainbow in the sky. Light and colors bring a fantastic atmosphere to this city. The artist uses glass tubes to create this artwork from a childlike perspective. Lines portray the animal kingdoms in a children’s dream, to convey love and respect to all things on earth. You and I should all cherish and value animals that are endangered due to environmental change.

鳶尾花動物園 Iris Zoo|王怡璇 Cindy Wang



Skinks with different colors in various positions are created with the unlimited imagination of the artist for life, nature, and myth. Skinks are good at hiding themselves in their environment. Can you find those skinks hiding in the tree? All animals have their different colors, and with effort, one day, even at night, our unique colors will shine.

石龍子迎春 Welcoming Spring with Skink|許自貴 Tzu-Kuey Hsu



The artist used party hats to make masks for horses. Through the transformation of conical hats, animals are difficult to identify.. The artist attempts to use this idea as a metaphor to represent changes of roles and identifies for people at parties, which they use to get rid of restrictions and to allow them to express themselves freely. Additionally, at occasions for celebration, party hats are instruments symbolizing fun. Thus, this piece creates a festival atmosphere through the image of party hats.

派對動物 Party Animals|何采柔 Joyce Ho



“Where are the little mice?” “One, two, three, four, let’s do the roll call!” Imagining is not daydreaming, and observation plus imagination inspires creativity. The game of “Hide-and-Seek” played through interesting and fun animal sculptures invites children to brainstorm and inspires new imagination! The little mice family at the square in the new year will become the good friends of cats. In this new year, nothing is impossible. We invite each of you to come to the Civic Building of Hsinchu City to join this interesting game of “hide-and-seek”. 

躲貓貓-愛與和平的見證 Hide and Seek-Testimony of Love and Peace

蔡潔莘 TSAI Chieh-Hsin