3.From Here兔There_01.jpg

2023 新竹過好年|萬兔順利 Jump! 讓光持續前進

Have a great year in Hsinchu!
One, Two, Three, Jump! Let‘s keep the light shining.


新竹過好年 !

萬兔順利 Jump! 讓光持續前進



Have a great year in Hsinchu!

One, Two, Three, Jump! Let‘s keep the light shining.

Have a great year in Hsinchu in 2023. You are welcome to visit this novel and special exhibition. The jumping rabbit symbolizes taking a great stride forward to launch a new journey, a journey full of joy and happiness.

With the efforts of artists and local design team, the exhibition incorporates six unique and ingenious artworks into natural surroundings. It makes people feel like staying in a fantasy scene from Alice’s Wonderland. Are you ready to embark a challenging but rewarding adventure?


exhibition info:


2023 新竹過好年! - 萬兔順利 Jump! 讓光持續前進
展期: 2023/ 01 / 06 – 2023 / 02 / 05
地點: 新竹東門城、護城河

2023 Have a great year in Hsinchu!
One, Two, Three, Jump! Let‘s keep the light shining.
Event Date:2023/ 01 / 06 – 2023 / 02 / 05
PM Location:Hsinchu East Gate, City Moat Area

策展規劃執行|都市藝術工作室 UrbanART Studio








準備好了嗎?!讓我們甩甩雙腳、扭扭腰、搖搖尾巴、張開雙耳,喜歡冒險的你,快加入小兔們的行列,跟著我們一起,萬兔順利(one two three),Jump!揮別2022跳進2023,迎接富饒的一年。

新竹是個兒童友善的城市,揮別2022的後疫情時代,2023年迎來兔年。作品由雕塑藝術家陳奕彰及3D地景藝術家陳彥旭共同創作,將東門城轉化成充滿奇幻的場域,讓孩子們跟著兔子「one two three Jump!」(萬兔順利,Jump!)跳進奇幻的故事裡。

Are you ready? Let’s shake our legs, wiggle our waists, wag our tails and open our ears. Hurry up! Come join the adventure with numerous ranks of bunnies. Follow us, one, two, three, jump! Say goodbye to 2022 and jump into 2023 to meet a new year full of richness. Hsinchu is a child-friendly city. Say goodbye to the Post-Pandemic Era and welcome in the year of the rabbit in 2023. The work, co-created by the sculpture artist Chen Yi-Chang and the 3D landscape artist Chen Ash, turns East Gate City into a fantasy land where children can follow the bunnies and, “One, Two, Three, Jump!” into a magical story.

萬兔順利! Jump One, Two, Three, Jump!
陳奕彰、陳彥旭 Chen Yi Zhang. Chen Ash



When it comes to Hsinchu cuisine, one can only think of the delicious meatballs (Gongwan). Hsinchu not only has interesting attractions, but also famous Taiwanese snacks. Urban Art Studio continues to interact with local communities in Hsinchu, hoping to bridge the distance between people and art. This co-created work is intended to produce wonderful childhood experiences for the kids, with its little floating lanterns, hanging above the river, adding light to the festival through the creation of a large number of paper rabbit lanterns. Have a great year of 2023 in Hsinchu and let all the joyful rabbits play (wan) together.

萬兔一起丸 10,000 Rabbits, Play Together
都市藝術工作室 Urban Art Studio

Special thanks to Hsinchu Dongmen Elementary School


From Here 兔(to) There | Two Munch

兔子在神秘的洞口之間穿梭,探索護城河的景色,觀察河邊的人們,以靈活俐落的動作 ,輕盈又優雅地完成每一次跳動。躍身與落下,乘載了一年跌宕裡的笑與淚,穿越了河道,步步通往新年的企盼。




The rabbit shuttles between two mysterious, mochi shaped points, exploring the landscape of the moat and observing people along the river. It performs each bound with agility and grace as it jumps and falls, carrying all the laughter and tears of the year just past, bounding across the river and into the New Year, step by playful step. “From Here to There” begins with a touch from the audience on the riverbank, springing the rabbit into life and letting it jump across the river’s surface to start a journey of transformation, lighting up the hopes of the city. From here to there, leads everyone towards the coming of the New Year.

How to Interact

The process can be started by pressing the mochi lamp which thus begins the rabbit’s crossing. Following the mochi are a series lamps, created in the shape rabbits, leaping into motion and jumping across the river. There are 11 lamps in total. If there is no audience interaction, the lamps will continue to show a rabbit jumping from one side of the river bank to the other but with a lower brightness. When the audience starts interacting, the light will intensify and the speed at which the rabbits jump will increase.


米洗兔 Mysterious Rabbit | 廖栢賢 Liao Po-Hsien


A Mysterious Rabbit does not love carrots, but instead loves a stargazing telescope with the orange color of carrot. Through long hours of observation and recording, it has been able to accurately see the future through its magical telescope. According to this astute bunny’s description, the more rabbit shaped stars you see in the telescope, the better your future will be! The work corresponds to the theme of “10,000 Rabbits”, adding a kaleidoscope effect to the telescope to present an image of numerous rabbits. Further, the effect of the kaleidoscope will enhance people’s interaction with the artwork so that the work can not only be viewed, but also allow for audience participation.



By superimposing a large number of light and shadow lines, the work creates an overlapping image, just like the ephemeral treasures existent in daily life. Through the extension of abstract lines, it shows the endless circulation of life.

Description of the light effect: Shaped by LED light strips and iron bars, the work creates a sense of rapid movement by controlling fast flowing light strips. At the same time, the light from the dichroic filter reflects on the river’s surface to create an effect of light and shadow, swaying in the wind.

層聚光合 The Light Gathering | 陳昱榮 Chen Yu-Jung


River of 2 | 劉佳豪 Liu Chia-Hao


Whilst strolling along the banks of Hsinchu river, surrounded by flourishing greenery, we can observe fish and shrimp swimming through the crystal-clear water. Cobbled stones resting on the riverbed, filled with New Year’s vitality, grow pairs of ears, shake off the year’s accumulation of mud, sand and moss, and reveal their clean, white and spotless figures. As they slowly float away from the bedrock, they carry with them a portion of that fresh, clear water. Whilst some of those stones glide seamlessly through the river, others rush and leap with newfound vigor, jumping out of the nurturing waters that bore them into being, just like rabbits leaping upwards towards their dreams with boundless excitement.

